Frequently Asked Questions

Nondual Therapy and the Healing (R)evolution
What is Nondual Therapy in general?
Nondual therapy is a therapeutic approach based on the recognition of the nondual nature of reality. Nonduality means that there is no separation between the self and the world, between the subject and the object, between the observer and the observed. Nonduality also implies that there is no inherent conflict or contradiction in any aspect of existence, and that everything is an expression of one unified and harmonious whole.
Nondual therapy aims to help people heal from their psychological suffering by bringing them into alignment with their true nature, which is beyond any identification with thoughts, emotions, sensations, or stories. Nondual therapy does not try to fix or change anything, but rather invites people to see through the illusions of separation and limitation that cause them to feel unhappy, anxious, depressed, or incomplete. Nondual therapy helps people to realize that they are not their problems, but rather they are the awareness in which all problems appear and disappear.
Nondual therapy uses various methods and techniques to facilitate this process of awakening, such as mindful awareness, inquiry, dialogue, meditation, bodywork, art, music, poetry, and more.
The wisdom of Nondual Therapy is affirmed by various spiritual and humanistic teachings and traditions, such as Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Christianity, Judaism, Jungian philosophy and more.
- Allowing more peace, joy, love, and freedom into the experience of being alive.
- Healing from trauma, addiction, abuse, grief, and other forms of suffering.
- Developing compassion, empathy, and kindness as the individual unfolds from ill-being to wellbeing.
- Discovery of true purpose and direction in life.
- Empowerment of creativity and expression of individual uniqueness into the world.
Is NONDUAL THERAPY a form of Psychotherapy?
Although psychotherapists could integrate the principles of Nondual Therapy - moving beyond the materialist world view into a more enlightened understanding of consciousness and the nature of experience.
Psychotherapy is just one modality which involves specific training, regulation, and rules.
Nondual Therapy is a meta-approach that can inform and transform all other forms of therapy and coaching. The principle is that the techniques work for the healing process, rather than the other way around. In this, the more tools, the more ways we have available to support the healing process of another.
Imagine a hospital that only offers physiotherapy. How confident would we be in reaching the core of our affliction and releasing it
Every therapeutic modality can undergo the Nondual Therapy Revolution. The Nondual Therapy approach pioneered here is already influencing psychotherapy, body-work, parts therapy, grief therapy, psychedelics and herbal medicine, and much more.
In the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer:
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
What is NONDUAL THERAPY as pioneered by Georgi & Bart?
Nondual therapy with Georgi and Bart is a specific school that pioneers an approach that directly employs "Nondual Qualities" such as peace, love and freedom for their therapeutic effect on areas of suffering.
This approach is described in the book Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening by Georgi Y. Johnson, which includes a compendium of Nondual Qualities and associated suffering contractions.
Can you sum up the NONDUAL THERAPY world view?
Every form of therapy can undergo the Nondual Therapy Revolution. This is because Nondual Therapy is based on an enlightened world view and the fundamental precepts that:
1. Consciousness is primary, and all experience arises out of and returns to the consciousness at the core of every individual
2. That this consciousness is sourced in a unified field of oneness expressing through manifold forms. This is the healing power of the Namaste greeting: "The consciousness in me greets the consciousness in you."
3. That this source consciousness has qualities (our "True Nature") such as love, peace, freedom. These qualities are alive, forming primal drives toward unconditional wellbeing within all conditions of life. These qualities therefore become both diagnostic and prescriptive and are shared by therapist and client in a healing process.
4. That the field of direct experience through the felt sense precedes the division into mind, heart and body. Therefore, this sensory dimension of our True Nature has a deeply integrative effect in allowing the flow of information from body, to feeling, to thought and back. This flow has been called the "I Am Here Flow" and it supports the deeply holistic nature of Nondual Therapy - moving with the freedom of consciousness through dimensions of mind, heart and body.
5. That all healing techniques and modalities become empowered when this shift into the wisdom of the healing power of true nature takes place through opening to the world view of Nondual Therapy. Techniques then serve the deeper unfolding of the healing relationship, rather than defining it.
What is our True Nature?
Our true nature is a topic that has been explored by many philosophers, religions, and spiritual traditions throughout history. There is no definitive answer to this question, as different perspectives may have different views on what constitutes our true nature. However, some common themes that emerge from various sources are:
- Our true nature is beyond the everyday self that we identify with. The everyday self is influenced by external factors, such as our thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories, beliefs, roles, and expectations. The true self is the inner essence that remains constant and unchanging, regardless of the fluctuations of the everyday self
- Our true nature is connected to a higher reality that transcends the physical world. This reality may be called by different names, such as Brahman, Tao, Buddha-nature, Christ Consciousness, Self, Allah, the Absolute, Non-Dual Awareness, the Holy Spirit, Spirit, God, Goddess, Satchitananda, Oneness, Emptiness, the Unified Field etc
- Our true nature is an expression of this reality and shares its qualities, such as infinity, boundlessness, purity, all-pervasiveness, serenity, silence, and unconditional love
- Our true nature can be discovered through various methods of inquiry, meditation, and practice. These methods aim to help us detach from our attachments to the everyday self and its illusions of separation and limitation. They also help us to awaken to our true nature and realize our identity with the higher reality
Some examples of these methods are Zen meditation; Advaita Vedanta inquiry; and Nondual therapy.
Ultimately, our true nature is beyond words and concepts. It can only be known directly by ourselves through the Felt Sense.
As the famous Zen saying goes: "Don't seek the truth; just drop your opinions."
... And that is where the Nondual Therapy (R)evolution with Bart & Georgi begins.
When we drop our opinions, we shift into the spaciousness of the felt sense - the area of direct experience and the healing power of consciousness.
Here, our True Nature is evidenced through our deepest drives toward well being, peace, freedom, wholeness. These Nondual Qualities f consciousness that reflect as our True Nature form a healing imperative deeply observed by Nondual Therapy.
They are at the core of every process of healing and manifestation (rather than a byproduct of it). In this, the work of Georgi & Bart as expressed in their teachings, therapy sessions, meditations and writings is at the forefront of timeless mystical wisdom applied to contemporary real world conditions through direct experience in the here and now.
One added secret hidden in plain sight:
Although our True Nature is mostly spoken about in the context of inner experience, as an impenetrable mystical depth, it is actually everywhere.
True Nature is found in actual nature. The Nature outside of ourselves - in the body, in the environment, in the stars, is a direct, unadulterated expression of true nature. As within, so without, as above, so below. This means that in Nondual Therapy, we are boundlessly resourced in accessing the vibrational effect of Nondual Qualities.
To quote Nondual Therapy: The Psychology of Awakening:
"When we connect to a Nondual Quality anywhere ‘outside’, we are already connecting to it within ourselves. That is, because the separation between inner and outer, or self and ‘other’ is a mental artifice: we dictate it onto experience. When we witness the peace of a tree, the peace inherent to our consciousness is connecting to the quality inherent to the life within the tree. If we stay in this feeling of connection, the perfume of peace beyond the conditioning of separation emanates the whole."
How can I learn NONDUAL THERAPY?
We offer various ways to immerse yourself in Nondual Therapy, whether you are already a practitioner seeking to deepen and expand your skills, or whether you want to learn to refine the skill of being happy to be alive.
You can get the books where the principles of holistic principles of Nondual Therapy are described.
The full outline of the Nondual Therapy Practitioners' Training can be found here.
We also offer Mentorship classes on applied themes on the last Thursday of each month. Details of next month's meetup can be found here.
Resource packages are available from all of these events. Here is the expanding catalogue.
The healing impact of Nondual Qualities and their interplay with associated contractions are explored each week in the Wednesday live meditation meetups, open to all!
You can also subscribe to the Nondual Kitchen - our (R)evolutionary project which offers talks, guided meditations, and explorations (including video and audio downloads) of over 100 qualities of true nature.
If you are looking for an integration of Nondual Therapy into the deep magic of energy work and spiritual healing through the Spiritual Psychology Education certified by the International School of Spiritual Psychology in the Netherlands, click here.
The Spiritual Psychology modules support the core unfolding of the felt sense through the opening of the psychic, and accessing the powerful healing principles developed by Bart through the teachings of the Danish healer Bob Moore. These courses are not just for practitioners but for those primarily seeking self development. enlightenment and self-realization. They also offer hands-on healing techniques through the understanding of subtle energy and spiritual dimensions of experience.
Last but not least, don't forget to subscribe to the I Am Here Newsletter to stay updated on new events such as I Am Here masterclasses, active retreats, and more.